Atlanta Center For Self Sufficiency Inc
Statistics show that nearly one third of Americans are just one missed paycheck away from homelessness. Just a few years ago, Jacqueline Martin experienced the reality of this troubling figure. After a successful career in government, Jacqueline lost her job during a lay-off. Despite her education and professional experience, Jacqueline’s joblessness quickly turned into homelessness. Desperate to find work, Jacqueline turned to the department of Labor, and was referred to the Atlanta Center for Self Sufficiency (ACSS).
Jacqueline went through ACSS’ CareerWorks program and quickly got back on her feet. Her impressive resume and solid work ethic made finding employment easy, but it was the emphasis on self-sufficiency and responsible decision making that gave Jacqueline confidence that she would never be homeless again. Soon after completing CareerWorks Jacqueline was employed with the Fulton County Police Department. In addition to finding full-time employment in a field she enjoys, Jacqueline recently obtained her Georgia Center for Information Certification (GCIC) that allows her to work in any law enforcement agency in the state.
Since 2010, ACSS has helped over 1,200 homeless people find full time jobs at an average wage of $9.41 / hour. Please help those who want to work get the support they need to get back on their feet.