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The Council of Refugee Women in Bulgaria helps all refugees and asylum seekers in the process of their integration in the Bulgarian society. In this sense, the Council is organizing their annual initiative "Welcome to the Bulgarian School", which has the goal of providing equal access to Bulgarian education for the refugee children living in Bulgaria.
The campaign is an annual initiative of the Council of Refugee Women in Bulgaria (CRWB) for the duration 15.08.2019 until 30.09.2019. It has the goal to provide equal access to education for refugee children, who start or continue their education in Bulgaria. One of the main functions of CRWB is to support integration through education. Notably, the children are those, who are able to learn Bulgarian language quickly, to make friendships easily, to adapt effectively to a new environment and to identify their meaningful place in our society. These processes are possible only when they are able to attend school on an equal basis with the Bulgarian children.
Join me in supporting this tremendous initiative by donating to the organization, so that the necessary school supplies and items can be procured in time for the start of the new school year!