Leah can now grow crops all year

Provide Clean Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene FundMaua, Kenya
June 07, 2013


Leah is a member of Ngawene Hope self-help group (SHG) and has been an ECLOF (a Water.org microfinance partner) client since 2012. She accessed her first loan of KES 30,000 in September 2012 – for a water connection on her farmland.

Leah now irrigates her crops throughout the year. “The water is now regular and during the dry season, when the prices are high I earn KES 20,000 a month from khat alone on this small plot of land.” The water is regular and although the community water project members do not pay any fees for the monthly usage, they are expected to provide labor when required to repair leakages and remove silt on the dam upstream. This experience has contributed to improved income for her family and has triggered Leah’s interest in accessing a household water storage facility in the near future.

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