Funds in Disabilities

Support People with Disabilities, Healthcare and Educational Initiatives  Fund
0 nonprofits
Support People with Disabilities, Healthcare and Educational Initiatives Fund
Dear VMware colleagues, Being inspired by the charity causes & missions of Vietbay Teens, a group of teenage kids from many high schools in the Bay Area, I'm currently helping them with organizing their annual charity fundraising event and the celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival for children in the Bay Area. Hence, I would like to ask for your support of their fundraising campaign happening in the upcoming October. Witnessing many heartbreaking stories of victim families during the peak of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam, this group of high school students formed back in 2021 with the mission to provide support and remedy the consequence of the pandemic. They organized fundraising events, worked both in-person and overseas with many non-profit organizations in Vietnam to support hospitals and COVID patients. As a result of their initiatives in last two years, they were able to sponsor thousands of N95 masks for hospitals in Vietnam and dozens of thousands of FREE meals for COVID-19 patients in 2021 and cancer patients in 2022 who are in difficult situations. This year, they will work with the Hearts for Hue Foundation, a NGO in Vietnam ( ) in supporting people with disabilities and healthcare and educational initiatives. Additionally, a portion of raised money is also used to organize the culture activities in Mid-Autumn Festival for the children & families in the Bay Area. Being a volunteer in helping with their activities, I am touched by their activities & missions and I personally made my donations for their charity causes and hope that I can do more to help. Your generous contributions will help to change the lives of those who are in disabilities and disadvantaged conditions including improving in their health & education. Please indicate your donation designation for "Support People with Disabilities, Healthcare and Educational Initiatives by Vietbay Teens". All donations will be sent to VietBay Inc., a 501©(3) non-profit organization in the San Francisco Bay Area which Vietbay Teens are members of. All US donations are tax deductible. More info of activities of Vietbay Teens is available here
Art therapy for young people with intellectual difficulties Fund
0 nonprofits
Art therapy for young people with intellectual difficulties Fund
Project Northwest Foundation (Проект Северозапад) is starting a campaign to support young people with intellectual difficulties through art therapy and scholarship. The money will be used to buy materials, to hire teachers and provide scholarship. You can find more details here: The message from the foundation: Здравейте, предстои ни кампания в покрепа на нашата Арт работилница СЕВЕРОЗАПАД. В нея терапевтична подкрепа и занимания получават младежи с интелектуални затруднения, израснали в институция. За тях, ежедневните занимания в работилницата са възможност да придобиват умения, самочувствие. Те живеят изолирани, нямат на практика друг контакт с външния свят. По-голямата част от тях са поставени под запрещение, което означава, че нямат право на собствени решения, собствен бюджет, самостоятелно придвижване и т.н. Работата в работилницата и с нашите колеги им позволяват да имат пълноценни преживявания, контакти и среща с хора. За тях организираме посещения на събития, изложби и други. Можете да видите изработени от тях продукти. Средствата са ни необходими за осигуряване на арт терапевт, за организиране на тяхна изложба, за закупуване на материали. Когато преди 5 години започнахме да работим с тях, те бяха неуверени, нямаха умения да общуват. Днес те участват в различни базари, презентират своите произведения. Частично успявае да покриваме разходи от продажба на техни продукти, като 30% от средствата се използват за осигуряване на стипендии за тях. Това е линк към фейсбук страницата на работилницата:
Let's help Stefcho walk again Fund
1 nonprofit
Let's help Stefcho walk again Fund This is Stefan, who is 7 years old and should be in first grade this fall. As a result of a car accident, Stefcho is completely immobilized from the chest down. Regardless of the difficulties he is going through, Stefcho is smiling in all the photos, making efforts and fighting daily for the opportunity to walk again. There is a chance for recovery and a chance for Stefcho to walk again, but it all depends on his family being able to provide him with daily, intensive, specialized rehabilitation, as well as prostheses and a stabilizing chair so he can go to school. At the moment it is clear that there are specialized clinics in Germany, Slovakia and Israel that have equipment and specialists suitable for Stefan's condition. The offer from Germany is for EUR 30,000 for one 6-week session. The child will need four such sessions annually to restore his spine. These are only part of the costs, as they do not include the transport and stay during Stefcho's rehabilitation abroad. Special leg prostheses worth BGN 1,300 have already been ordered to keep the joints straight and avoid contractures and complications. It is necessary to order two more types of prostheses with which he can be straightened in stages - they will cost over 30,000 BGN. The chair we mentioned is between 2,000 and 4,000 BGN. Some of the orthoses need to be replaced at 6 months as Stefcho grows every day. His family is unable to cover these financial needs and they need help to see their child walk again. Please, support this little hero!