Funds in Health

Health & Sport working together for the Austin Angelfish Synchronized Swimming  Fund
1 nonprofit
Health & Sport working together for the Austin Angelfish Synchronized Swimming Fund
Health & Sport Fund Top 5 Reasons why you should consider helping the Austin Angelfish meet our fundraising goal: The Austin Angelfish is the only competitive synchronized #swimming team in Central Texas. We have swimmers that travel to #Austin from Dripping Springs, Cedar Park, Onion Creek and as far as Salado! If you are not familiar with #Austin, this is a huge geographic spread or one team! 2. Not only is #SynchronizedSwimming one of the toughest Olympic sports (imagine working out and competing at 100% while holding your breath), it builds tough, STRONG people who will go on to do great things! Synchronized Swimming is considered to be the ULTIMATE team sport! 3. We compete at the National and Junior Olympic level and we are beyond committed! 4. We are a very diverse group of girls age 8 to 18 and have 44 swimmers who speak at least 7 different languages and more than half speak at least 2 languages. 5. Our coaches are VOLUNTEERS! Our head coach, Cheryl Cook has been volunteering more than 20 hours per week for 26+ years! Legit commitment to the sport coming from ALL of our coaches! We are doing a 21 Day Fitness Challenge and Synchro-A-Thon to raise $12,000. 1. To offset cost for swimmer's who need financial assistance. We want to make synchronized swimming available to all athletes in Central Texas. 2. To help offset the expenses our monthly dues do not cover (ex: rental time at four 25 yard, deep water pools year round, insurance, underwater sound equipment etc.)
Jornada en Oaxaca de Operation Smile Mexico Fund
0 nonprofits
Jornada en Oaxaca de Operation Smile Mexico Fund
Operation Smile es la organización más grande a nivel mundial basada en un distinguido voluntariado médico que provee cirugías gratuitas de labio y paladar hendido (LPH) y brinda un tratamiento multidisciplinario (dental y foniátrico) a niños y niñas, jóvenes y adultos en países en vías de desarrollo. Operation Smile México brinda atención gratuita a personas y principalmente a niños de bajos recursos con labio y paladar hendido, por medio de cirugías reconstructivas y tratamiento multidisciplinario, siguiendo estándares globales de alta calidad, con voluntarios médicos y no médicos, para mejorar las condiciones de vida de los pacientes y sus familias. En México nacen cada año aproximadamente 3,500 niños con Labio y/o paladar hendido y Operation Smile Mexico está realizando al año cerca de 700 cirugías. Esto quiere decir que, del total de niños y niñas nacidas en México con esta condición, atienden a un 20%. El año pasado, hubo 5 jornadas en Monterrey, Guadalajara, Puebla, Oaxaca y San Cristobal de las Casas, en donde se hicieron 1384 valoraciones y se operó a 690 niños. Desde el 12 de julio del 2017, Operation Smile cuenta con el nivel óptimo en la Acreditación en Institucionalidad y Transparencia (AIT). Esto es una garantía de que los recursos obtenidos son destinados para el cumplimiento cabal de su misión y objetivos. Esta certificación y reconocimiento tiene vigencia durante los años 2017 al 2019. Operation Smile Mexico ya organizó 4 jornadas este año y es turno de la última jornada del año, en Oaxaca. Está programada para 1-30 de noviembre en Oaxaca, México. Una cirugía tiene un costo aproximado de 15,000 MXN pero gracias a tu donación, ¡muchos niños podrán accesar a esta operación de forma gratuita! Si tienes más dudas, visita la página oficial O accesa al Informe Anual 2018
1000 Mile Cycling Challenge - Japan - 2020 - Cancer Research Fund
0 nonprofits
1000 Mile Cycling Challenge - Japan - 2020 - Cancer Research Fund
Next year my friend (Sam Atter) and me (Hayden Stobbs) want to do something challenging for our 30th birthdays by pushing ourselves to the absolute limit. For the past year, we have been training to complete a 1000 mile cycling tour from Hiroshima to Tokyo in March 2020. As we only have 10 months to go, we thought this was the perfect time to try and raise some money for charity. To test ourselves before our trip to Japan, we will also be completing a smaller 250+ mile segment in the the lake district later this year. If for some reason this turns out to be too difficult for us, then we will adjust the mileage in Japan as necessary. The aim is to complete the challenge over 30 days so to do this, we are going to cycle 50 miles per day, 5 days a week, and spend the weekends resting. We will be recording as much footage as possible, with live blogs wherever we are able to do so. We will be starting from Hiroshima taking winding routes over various smaller islands and mountains before heading back to the mainland towards Tokyo. There is still a lot of planning to do! As of March 1st 2019 our training regime has began to ramp up! I (Hayden) will personally be putting in 1-2 hours per day on Zwift, with the aim to be out on the bike every other weekend for 6-8 hours. The charity we have chosen to raise money for is Cancer Research UK. Whether we like it or not Cancer touches all of our lives, so we thought we'd try and make a positive impact and help those in need a long the way. Many thanks! Sam A + Hayden S PS: Whatever we raise, Cisco will match so we can make an even bigger impact!